Go Goes Loong: Exploring Go Programming Language Support for LoongArch64(New feature in 1.19)

2 min readJun 2, 2024

Loong64 (also known as LoongArch64) is the 64-bit version of the LoongArch instruction set architecture (ISA), developed by the Chinese company Loongson. It’s designed for general-purpose computing in desktops, laptops, and servers.

Key points about Loong64:

  • Developer: Loongson Technology Corporation Limited
  • Purpose: Primarily for general-purpose computing
  • Inspiration: While inspired by MIPS64, it has evolved into a distinct ISA.
  • Open Source: Loongson has made LoongArch an open standard.
  • Software Support:
  • Compilers: GCC and LLVM
  • Operating Systems: Linux (Loongson’s own distribution and Debian)
  • Languages: Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, and others are being ported.
  • Hardware: Loongson’s 3A5000 series CPUs are based on LoongArch.


  • China’s independent CPU architecture: LoongArch reduces reliance on foreign technologies.
  • Growing ecosystem: Increasing software support and openness attract developers and manufacturers.




Software Engineer expertise on C, C++, Golang, Python, Docker, Kubernetes.